Professur für Volkswirtschaftslehre, insb. Makroökonomik
phone: +49345 7753-801
fax: +49345 7753-799
Leibniz-Institut für Writschaftsforschung Halle (IWH)
Kleine Märkerstraße 8
06108 Halle (Saale)
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Here you will find the Chair of economics, especially macroeconomics Team, which is located in the rooms of the Halle Institute for Economic Research – Member of the Leibniz Association (IWH).
Scientific staff
Student assistants
External doctoral students
Former PhD students
- Dr. Sebastian Giesen (Deutsche Bundesbank)
- Dissertation: Financial factors in macroeconometric models
- Dr. Gregor von Schweinitz (IWH/ Juniorprofessor an der Universität Leipzig)
- Dissertation: Modelling Macroeconomic Risk: the Genesis of the European Debt Crisis
- Dr. Andrej Drygalla (IWH)
- Dissertation: Monetary and Fiscal Policy Analyses in Estimated DSGE Models
- Dr. Geraldine Dany-Knedlik (DIW)
- Dissertation: The Great Recession and its Effects on Monetary Policy: From Policy Transmission to Target Dynamics
- Dr. Stefan Gießler
- Dissertation: Macroeconometric Analysis of Monetary Policy, Sovereign Risk and Commoditity Prices
- Dr. Jan-Christopher Scherer (ECB, Research Affiliate IWH)
- Dissertation: The Role of Interdependencies between the micro and macro Level in Explanining Investment Dynamics and its Determinants
- Dr. Christoph Schult (IWH)
- Dissertation:The Role of Energy Markets and Expectations in Dynamic General Equilibrium Models
Former Post-doctor students
Habilitation: Essays on Financial Crisis
Former staff
- Dr. Katja Heinisch
- Jun.-Prof. Lena Tonzer, Ph.D
- Jun.-Prof. Dr. Gregor von Schweinitz
- Dr. Andrej Drygalla
- Dr. Stefan Gießler
Former Student Assistant
- Alexander Brang
- Jan Blaschke