Professur für Volkswirtschaftslehre, insb. Makroökonomik
phone: +49 345 7753-801
fax: +49 345 7753-799
Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH)
Kleine Märkerstr. 8
06108 Halle (Saale)
Macroeconomic science comprises assessing structure and development of entire economies as well as appraising the feasibility of economic policy measures, including their influence on overall economic development. Courses in macroeconomics provide the students with an understanding of global economic issues and techniques to evaluate of the effectiveness of economic policy. Good knowledge in macroeconomic theory and empirical economic research form the basis of these skills.
Introductory Macroeconomics
(in German, winter term only)
Course objectives:
- Basic Knowledge of macroeconomic theory
- Basics of national accounting
- Understanding of basic macroeconomic models and their assumptions as well as implicationsfor economic policy (classical versus Keynesian theory, supply versus demand analysis, etc.)
- Ability to comprehend macroeconomic studies and analyses and to relate them to actualmacroeconomic developments
- Ability to evaluate current macroeconomic developments and economic policy discussions
Course contents:
- Overview of macroeconomic subject matter and -methodology
- National accounting
- Determinants of supply and demand side
- Bank money creation and monetary policy
Macroeconomics 1 module description
Makroökonomik I_WIW.00526.03.pdf
(111.2 KB) vom 02.10.2022
Syllabus Macroeconomics I
(227.7 KB) vom 07.10.2024
Advanced Macroeconomics
(winter term only)
Course objectives:
- Knowledge of basic methods of dynamic macroeconomics
- Ability to apply and to simulate dynamic macroeconomic models
- Ability to explain short-term and long-term economic developments using dynamic macroeconomic models
- Ability to discuss and assess macroeconomic policy based on dynamic macroeconomic models
Course contents:
- Foundations of dynamic macroeconomics
- Numerical methods for the simulation of dynamic macroeconomic models
- Basic Dynamic General Equilibrium Model and extensions
- Analysis of selected macroeconomic policy issues using dynamic macroeconomic models
Course description of Advanced Macroeconomics
Holtemöller Advanced Macroeconomics_WIW.06773.01_ENG.pdf
(103.7 KB) vom 26.05.2021
Syllabus Advanced Macroeconomics
(249.5 KB) vom 07.10.2024
Macroeconomics (PhD)
Course contents:
Advanced course for doctoral students in macroeconomic theory and macroeconomic modelling using Matlab and Dynare. For further information visit the CGDE Webite .